Well, the following is the review of 30 Day Fit Challenge Workout app. This is a gaming blog and Why are you doing this? Well. I'm currently taking break playing games and looking at myself, here are some reflections of me. Enough for me to workout
1. Can't concentrate on anything except videogames
2. I'm 25, 5"7 and weighs 75kg (165.347 pounds)
3. I sit too much time in a chair.
4. I can't walk that much. If I walk too long, i'm out of breath
5. Running 50 meter is my limit. Yup. More than that, I'm out of breath.
6. Last time I failed to qualify the firefighter exam due to extreme low fitness level and fell during running test. That was embarrassing!
7. I can't even do more than two chin-ups.
8. For some reason, I'm able to do 8-10 push ups.
1. Do I have prior experience with workout?
NOP! I'm a workout newbie
2.What's my goal?
Shed a few kilos and get back into good fitness at the same time review this app.
3. Six pack abs?
Nah.I don't mind if it appears
4. Will this app work?
I don't know. Lets put it to test?
5. What's my diet?
Well, I eat four times a day drink only 1 liter of water may be.
6 Any change to diet?
Yes. I'm going to cut the quantity of food to 1/2 and going to drink plenty of water probably 3-4 liter a day. To combat the change in diet, I'll only eat it slowly. And completely avoiding snacks and fried dishes
7. How am i going to do the review?
I'm going to take the challenge. Let's do it!
30 Day Fit Challenge APP overview
The app is free to download from playstore and apple store. At the moment of downloading, the app has positive reviews. This gives a good indication that app is working for some.Also, there's instructions and calendar which gives info about how much weight you. Lets see the result at the end.
#1 Day 1 - 7/19/2017
I selected the full body workout plan with Easy plan 1.It shows the animation videos and voice instruction on how to to exercise.easy plan 1gave me some challenge probably 50% of my strength. Then I switched to easy plan 2. It probably tests 70% of my strength. Well, that's me. Too weak :(. After completing the training it shows you how much calorie (also in KiloJoule) you burned
Result: the progress is now 3.3% and 29 days left. I felt shivering during plank. I'm going to stick with Easy plan 2. my initial impression is positive
# Day 2 - 7/20/2017
Last day was effective. I'm saying this because my body is experiencing soreness at the moment.Hopefully, soreness will go away after 2-3 days. Day two done and it's good. I'm really happy that i'm doing some sort of physical activity. Diet is going as planned. Cutting meals is not easy. But drinking more water after meals is really helpful to compensate.
#Day 3 - 7/21/2017
The number of exercise increased. The time also increased. There's this new exercise push-up wit rotation which is a bit challenge for me. But done somehow
#Day 4- 7/22/2017
Its rest day on the app :(
#Day 5 - 7/23/2017
Better. I can do exercise a little better and the difficulty of doing it slightly decreased.
#Day 6 - 7/24/2017
Thighs are still hurting. But done it.
#Day 7 -7/25/2017
Since i completed a week, i check weight today. It's 164 lbs now. i lost 1 pound. Not bad!
#Day 8-7/26/2017
Its another rest day on the app
#Day 9- 7/27/2017
Missed :(
#Day 10 -7/28/2017
# Day 11 - 7/29/2017
#Day 12 - 7/30/2017
NOP. sunday
#Day 13-15
Done except 1day.I think i'm getting lazy.Space key not working
#Day ? - Missed!