
How to make 1 Million Gold in arcane legends in just 15 days

Dragon bar price is now 1.3m. i prefer you to keep it till the price rise.
Hi, legends. This is my second of the series how to make gold in arcane legends. I previously wrote a guide on ways to earn gold fast before. But earning gold is not easy. And it’s hard. So I’m now came up with a more realistic way to make 1 million gold (1000000) in just  15 days. No tricks here. You will earn 1million in 15 days. And you don’t even need leprechaun pendant.
To make 1m gold you need a strong heart :). Forget everything. It’s time to put some effort. You need to set the goal first. What you going to do in next 15 days.

Day 1 – Collect 10 dragkin teeth. Run the Tindirin wild map continuously. After boss dies you have a chance to loot dragkin teeth. It’s easy to loot and don’t require many health potion or top gear.
It’s time to skip to day 15 – What happen to previous days? Err. Legends! Do the same. Collect 10 dragkin teeth every day and log off. At the end, you’ll have 150 dragkin teeth. You can use this to buy an item called Dragon bar in the town.

 And can sell dragon bar for  1 million+ gold on day 15. its price is now back to 1.3m from 4m. Keep it till price rise after expansion.
sell in arcane legends

 Method 2 - Not recommended for now
The planar Tombs
tombs in arcane legends

Run planar tomb 2 or 3 and after the end of each run, you’ll get 2 planar fragments. do 5 runs a day. That’s 10 fragments a day.  End of day  13 you’ll have 130 fragments. Use 125 of those fragments to buy breeze egg and sell it for 1 million gold. But run requires a lot of health and mana potions and ankhs. Its a bit expensive to run. Hey but the drop are guaranteed.
Hey sorry for my guide being short. But I wanted to go straight into the point. And don’t need to waste your time. Thanks for reading. Hope my guide helped you. If you have anything to ask or related to arcane legends ask here. I’m happy to answer if my time allows it. Thanks again.

Take a quick look at my other AL Guide here



  1. Hi I'm in level 25.I always have the problem that I never have enough gold to buy anything I need .I'm a little weak for a warrior in lvl 25.can u possibly help me to make enough gold to buy anything I need? Thank you

    1. hey man. Sorry for the late reply. Currently the economy is in recession. What i advice is, level to 40 as fast as you can (not 41). beacuse the xp required to reach 27500xp become 2750 once expansion released. so level to 41 is waste of time. once the expansion hits; level to 46 as fast as possible and farm the new elite maps during first week. And sell the items you get for millions during first week. ( note that the price drops after first week. be prepared to farm fast as possible and sell during first week). Also don't feed the pets. just change pets. This way you can save gold till you reach lvl 46 and use it to buy potions to run elite maps.

      I'll publish a new guide on how to make gold during 'Rage of rengo'l expansion after expansion is released.Thank you. Save gold and don't buy anything from auction house during this time. level and wait for expansion.


  2. Eae, sou level 46 qual mapa eu fasso dinheiro ou como fasso 1m em 1mes me explica?

  3. I'm level 48 mage and I also have 80% gold loot and my DPs is 557 but I dont know where or what place I should farm.
    Help me


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